CMCA Annual Fund

Create the Future

“CMCA has the architecture of an art museum, but the spirit of an artist’s studio.”

—Wade Kavanaugh & Stephen B. Nguyen, Inaugural Ellis-Beauregard Fellows

Dear Friends,

We are living in interesting times. Never has a contemporary art museum like CMCA had a more important role to play than it does now. The art we show and the programs we present help our audiences see human events in all their complexity and diversity.

This was certainly true in 2019 when we launched our partnership with the Ellis-Beauregard Foundation, presenting a solo exhibition by their Fellowship Award winners, artists Wade Kavanaugh and Stephen B. Nguyen. Their monumental installation in our Main Gallery garnered international praise. The Boston Globe described it as “immersive in the true sense of the word… you leave awestruck, hardly able to believe it was real.”

This is what we do at CMCA. We are uniquely positioned to support Maine artists in the work they do and share it with the world.

Now in our fourth year in Rockland, CMCA envisions a future in which art plays a central role in each of our lives, reminding us of the heights to which human culture can reach. To paraphrase futurist Seth Godin, “Here, I made this” are four of the most powerful words we can say, as they carry with them generosity, intent, risk, and intimacy.

CMCA’s strength is its more than sixty years of continuous engagement with the Maine art community. In 2020, Maine’s Bicentennial year, we will build on our history, adding to our collaborations throughout the state and shoring up our infrastructure to cement a firm foundation from which to launch our future—a future in which we play a central role in the cultural and economic life of a vibrant, diverse, and flourishing Maine.

Help us keep making waves! Your contribution to the Annual Fund supports all that we do.* Our goal this year is to break last year’s record by raising at least $220,000 to allow us to continue presenting cutting-edge contemporary art, speakers who educate and challenge, art classes for all ages, initiatives to assist Maine artists in their careers, and much, much more.

Thank you for joining us in our mission. We are excited by what the future holds, not only for our own work, but also for the prosperity of Maine artists and the communities they call home. With your financial support—at any and all levels—we can and will do even more.

With gratitude,

Suzette McAvoy
Executive Director + Chief Curator

*$500+ donors receive a complimentary Good Host membership; $1500+ donors receive a complimentary Steward membership and are recognized as part of CMCA’s annual donor society—The Contemporary Circle—with exclusive benefits and travel opportunities.

Header image: Hubris Atë Nemesis by Wade Kavanaugh + Stephen B. Nguyen | Dave Clough Photography